SA022 - Safe Location And Avoidance Of Underground Services
This qualification prepares learners in the safe location and avoidance of underground services. It provides learners with the skills and knowledge of the hazards and potential risks when using avoidance tools (CAT and Genny). This includes working to a safe system of work, physical identification methods of underground services, site visual surveys, interpretation of asset owner documentation, risk assessments, and permits. Services include gas, electricity, mains water, sewage, and telecommunications.
By the end of this qualification learners will be able to:
• Understand the purpose of safe location and avoidance of underground services
• Understand service drawings required when preparing to work on or near underground services
• Be able to plan for safe location and avoidance of underground services
• Be able to identify, detect and mark out underground services
• Understand methods of safe excavation of underground services
Additional Requirements
All courses now require you to bring an official form of identification to centre (for example passport, drivers licence, NOPS Card or SWQR Card).
Mandatory PPE - Please note without the correct PPE candidates could be refused onto the event and charges will still apply.
Hi-Vis Clothing
Safety Boots
Safety Helmet (with 4 point chin strap)
Eye shields