CityFibre CFIT Civils
UG1 (Underground 1): Traditional & Narrow Trenching Techniques UG2 (Underground 2): Chamber and Cabinet Civils Best Practice RFS1 (Ready for Service 1): SDU, MDU Awareness RFS2 (Ready for Service 2): As-Built Process
UG1 (Underground 1): Traditional & Narrow Trenching Techniques
Introduction to the CityFibre Network, covering hierarchy, build methods, Openreach PIA and detail on network components.
This module focuses on the traditional and narrow trenching techniques used by CityFibre.
UG2 (Underground 2): Chamber and Cabinet Civils Best Practice
Introduction to the CityFibre Network, covering hierarchy, build methods,
Openreach PIA and detail on network components.
This module looks at the civils activities of Chamber and Cabinet build.
RFS1 (Ready for Service 1): SDU, MDU Awareness
MDU categories; use of 1:32 splitters for MDUs of 25 to 32 dwellings
Bypassing of PN and SN splitters
Toby box positioning
Wayleaves & permits; surveys to maximise THP
RFS2 (Ready for Service 2): As-Built Process
Why are as-builts needed? As-built document types; good v. bad as-builts
Who does what? Implications of NRSWA; HAUC Code of Practice
Data capture & provision
Mandatory PPE - Please note without the correct PPE candidates could be refused onto the event and charges will still apply.
Hi Vis Clothing
Safety Boots
Safety Helmet (with 4 point chin strap)
Eye shields